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I Will Give You Rest - Online Workshop

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At the end of his life Moses blessed Benjamin with these beautiful words: “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long” (Deuteronomy 33:12). We will be leaning into the secure rest that Jesus has promised his beloved ones. Time will be given in this in this retreat for listening to God’s Word and to experiencing the rest God has promised all the children he loves. Beloved ones, come and receive the rest only Jesus can give.

A suggested donation of $30 per person.
We realize these are trying times financially for many. If you are unable to give, you are welcome to register anyway. If you are able to make a contribution to the ministry of LTI, we would be most grateful.

Access scholarships are also available!
Space is limited to 18 registrants.

9AM Connect on Zoom for intro and orientation
10AM Silence and solitude on your own (offline). We will provide materials.
11AM Reconnect on Zoom for group sharing, thanksgiving and closing worship
12PM Retreat concludes